Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Bread has once again taken over my life. Outside of working, skiing, reading, preparing the garden, and training, I have been geeking out about bread. No, I am not working at a shop again (sadly) but since my roommates and I are trying to cut costs and I have the ability to make bread, I have become the head bread maker in our house. It has been great to take on that responsibility again since I love making a really good loaf of bread.
Since getting a starter going again my bread production has increased and my excitement for bread as well. There is something great about having a really good starter that makes bread production that much better.
I fed the starter tonight in preparation for tomorrows dough. Giddy and smiling I head to bed knowing that the microorganisms are having a party in the glass bowl sitting on my counter top. mmm.....

1 comment:

punkinpants said...

Good. That is what I aim for. :)