Friday, September 21, 2007

The ending of a week

I went camping last night with Spider woman, Matt, Mazy, and Kelli in Logan Canyon. We had a Dutch oven dinner and steaks. Mmm… It was delicious. I wasn’t really digging the steak just because it seemed impossible to chew but besides that it was good.
We shared good conversation and talked about dating, our quarks and why it isn’t nice to call people weird. Annie and I also had a good 15 minute tangent on why it pisses us off that people go to national parks and never get out of their cars to look at the beautiful scenery. It was a ran, let me tell you! It was so nice to get out of Logan and be in the wilderness for a night. We picked a great spot to camp, so good that we didn’t wake up till 9:30. After packing up camp Matt, Annie, and I went back to our apartment and ate German pancakes. Then Annie and I retreated once again to the canyon to do some climbing. Annie muffed her big toe up pretty good and was having a hard time climbing but she belayed me on my first lead climb. It was a 5.7. slightly embarrassing since I top rope 11.A on a good day. But I’ve been to scared to lead till now so I am glad I took that leap of faith and did it.

I’ve got a job now! Working for, the online store for the Trailhead. I am really excited to start. I know it will be a good experience for me to learn more about gear for backpacking, climbing, camping, and pretty much anything outdoors.

This week has been good, if not great. Stressful yes but good. I feel this eternal need to stay focused on school. There is so much to distract me. Some good distractions, some bad. But I know that I MUST put my nose to the grind stone. It is so easy to do the wrong thing when I want to but I need to start doing the right thing.

The living situation with Spider woman is still good. We will see how things change once she isn’t working weekends and we are around each other all the time. Lets hope things stay happy.

Homecoming game tomorrow! The marching band will be playing so come out and see us shake it on the field. My rents are coming into town for day, I am very excited to see them and hang out. I miss my parents a lot when I am not home. I use to hate being around my parents right after I graduated from high school, now I sometimes wish I lived at home because I don’t see them enough.

Well I’m out. XOXO
P.S. I rode Lazer to citrus and sage.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Eggpant caprice, gingersnaps, queen, the mini bike, and geting semi stood up

I am not known for being on time. Im on time for class, on time for work but never on time for a date, party, movie, or event. My bad habit has caught up with me. I was going to see this famous guitarist play and perhaps write about his performance because My trombone lover had an extra ticket. We were going to meet at 7 in front of the concert hall but I was making eggplant caprice (more on those later) and lost track of time. I realized it was 7 pm as I sat down to eat so I scarfed my food down, took 2 minutes to long to pick out shoes and road Kajii up to campus only to find that my trombone lover had called his room mate to come to the concert so I couldn't go. yay. But thats ok because now I can go to the hip hop dance class instead. But did I mention that I dressed up? I never dress up any more. It's just T-shirt and jeans these days. Non of this fancy business.
So I made eggplant caprice. I've been wanting to make them for ages and I did tonight. only, the recipe needed a little adjusting. I had to add 1 extra table spoon of olive oil and 1/2 table spoon of balsamic viniger. Whats the deal with that?
The two high lights of my day:
I got up and realized that the Baking soda fairy was not coming to save my life so I went out and bought baking soda and realized that I was having a serious Queen attack and needed to buy some Queen. I went to hastings and got a double CD of all of their hits which made me happy. I then went home, rocked out to Queen and baked Gingersnaps.
High light number two was riding Lazer to campus and having a few laughs with Dusty at Quadside cafe where the asshole working the front counter told me he couldn't heat up my beans and rice because I might accuse him of tainting them. WTF? it's beans and rice! what the hell are you going to do them? Crazy baristas, that place has gone down hill since Jonna and I quit. well Im out.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Citrus and Sage Jazz night

First blog! Oh the excitement. I think people never know what to write on their first blogs so Im writing about where I am. Jazz night at Citrus and Sage hanging out with the wickerman. My day has been long and full of Rugby and climbing.