Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Eggpant caprice, gingersnaps, queen, the mini bike, and geting semi stood up

I am not known for being on time. Im on time for class, on time for work but never on time for a date, party, movie, or event. My bad habit has caught up with me. I was going to see this famous guitarist play and perhaps write about his performance because My trombone lover had an extra ticket. We were going to meet at 7 in front of the concert hall but I was making eggplant caprice (more on those later) and lost track of time. I realized it was 7 pm as I sat down to eat so I scarfed my food down, took 2 minutes to long to pick out shoes and road Kajii up to campus only to find that my trombone lover had called his room mate to come to the concert so I couldn't go. yay. But thats ok because now I can go to the hip hop dance class instead. But did I mention that I dressed up? I never dress up any more. It's just T-shirt and jeans these days. Non of this fancy business.
So I made eggplant caprice. I've been wanting to make them for ages and I did tonight. only, the recipe needed a little adjusting. I had to add 1 extra table spoon of olive oil and 1/2 table spoon of balsamic viniger. Whats the deal with that?
The two high lights of my day:
I got up and realized that the Baking soda fairy was not coming to save my life so I went out and bought baking soda and realized that I was having a serious Queen attack and needed to buy some Queen. I went to hastings and got a double CD of all of their hits which made me happy. I then went home, rocked out to Queen and baked Gingersnaps.
High light number two was riding Lazer to campus and having a few laughs with Dusty at Quadside cafe where the asshole working the front counter told me he couldn't heat up my beans and rice because I might accuse him of tainting them. WTF? it's beans and rice! what the hell are you going to do them? Crazy baristas, that place has gone down hill since Jonna and I quit. well Im out.

1 comment:

Murasakibrit said...

Eggplant caprice...hmmm without all the caprice? Ah caprice, what a vice. If only my students were reading this and looking it up in their dictionaries!